Portal Ancillary Building at Diamond Hill
The portal ancillary building is a two-storey structure to house the mechanical (E&M) equipment and associated supporting facility with landscaped roof garden adjacent to a popular public park in the neighbourhood of Diamond Hill. The building also forms a tunnel entrance to wider infrastructure upgrading work set within the hill beyond to provide freshwater in the district. The architectural detailing and facade strategy accommodate the functional requirement of the portal building but at the same time allow for creation of atmosphere through consistent selection of materials and detailing that are conducive to the overall architectural quality of 'integrating architecture into the hill'.
The planning strategy incorporates an accessible roof that is considered in relationship to the wider landscape setting and adjacent Lion Rock Park to the north, and the design proposal carefully integrates the building within its surrounding with various edge conditions.
When our city is increasingly urbanized leading to need for preserving and increase where possible the value of public space within our city, the project attempt to demonstrate a creative design response to contextualise and increase the amenity values for the engineering led infrastructure projects that are integral part of the way our city functions.

Location: Diamond Hill, Hong Kong SAR / Scope: Architecture and Landscape, Concept, DD and Onsite Support using BIM. / Year: 2020-ongoing (Building completion 2027)