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Water Landscapes

“Water Landscapes” is a multimedia visual essay consisting of selected photographs, visual representations and aerial videography depicting Hong Kong‘s landscapes that support our vital freshwater infrastructure and the way we consume water within our urban fabric.

Multimedia installation consisting of multichannel monitors that captures sublime visual landscape images of Hong Kong's freshwater infrastructure including reservoirs, country park that play vital roles in collecting stormwater for water recycling, and various water treatment facilities, and emerging new desalination plants and network of associated pipe and duct works within our surrounding landscape juxtaposed with portraits of people's daily water consumption habits, selected oral history and super graphic texts and drawings will pose questions about relationship with water resource and our lifestyle we lead in our city. In time of climate change, the installation set out to engage and inspire self-reflections and constructive change in our mindset, a seed of resilience considering the environment legacy for future generations.

Location: Star Ferry, Hong Kong SAR and Kingway Brewery Industrial Heritage Renewal District in Luohu, Shenzhen, PRC / Scope: Research, documentary style film making (3minutes), multimedia installation as part of UABBHK2023 exhibition organised HKIABF / Credit: Video production, Plate Creation Eric Tsang / Year: 2022-2023